Here are the movement names for the broadsword form.

Please note that some Chinese characters have been omitted because of current technological limitations on the display of Chinese characters on the Internet.

Section One

1 立正預備 lì zhèng yù bèi stand upright & prepare
2 提手起勢 tí shóu qǐ shì lift hands, rising movement
3 上步七星 shàng bù qī xīng rise up to the seven stars
4 退步跨虎 tuì bù kuà hǔ step back and ride tiger
5 坐步交刀 zuò bù jiāo dāo sit and transfer sword
6 上步開弓 shàng bù kāi gōng step forward and bend bow
7 左顧右盼 zuǒ gù yòu pàn look after right and left
8 右車輪刀 yòu chì lún dāo right cartwheel
9 左車輪刀 zuǒ chì lún dāo left cartwheel
10 轉扇通背 zhuǎn shàn tōng bèi turn and fan through the back

Section Two

11 葉裡藏刀 yè lǐ cáng dāo sword hidden in leaves
12 纏頭劈刀 chán tóu pī dāo around the head chop
13 玉女穿梭 yù nǚ chuān suō fair lady plays the shuttles
14 海底撈月 hǎi dǐ lǎo yuè scoop the moon from the sea bottom
15 野馬跳澗 yé mǎ tiào jiàn wild horse jumps the stream
16 歇刀拍腳 xiē dāo pāi jiǎo rest sword, slap foot
17 左打虎勢 zuǒ dǎ hǔ shì left strike tiger
18 右打虎勢 yòu dǎ hǔ shì right strike tiger

Section Three

19 退步擺蓮 tuì bù bǎi lián step back and swing over lotus
20 右轉旋風 yòu zhuǎn xuán fēng right turn whirlwind
21 獅子搖頭 shī zǐ yáo tǒu lion shakes its head
22 野馬分鬃 yě mǎ fēn zōng part wild horse's mane
23 鯉躍龍門 lí yuè lóng mén carp jumps the dragon gate
24 盤頭劈刀 pán tǒu pī dāo around the head chop
25 弓步交刀 gōng bù jiāo dāo lunge and transfer sword
26 退步七星 tuì bù qī xīng step back to the seven stars
27 收勢還原 shōu shì huán yuán conclude taichi broadsword


Professor Yek (front left) learning the tai chi 37 form in Sibu, c1963

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