Cashmere tai chi classThis page is for the beginner classes taught by Diane Ammar in Cashmere (New Zealand).

New students can join any time. You're welcome to call Diane on (03) 3663198 or (021) 366623 or email: to confirm class details beforehand.

Sing Ong Tai Chi in Cashmere

Hohepa Trust Hall, 23 Barrington St, Christchurch
Monday & Wednesday evenings from 7.30pm to 8.30pm

Diane Ammar

Diane Ammar"I discovered Sing Ong Tai Chi one evening while waiting for my son to complete his kung fu class. I was mesmerized by the moves, but of course had no idea of the complexity involved in tai chi."

"I love the challenges it presents, the constant change, the excitement of a breakthrough, and the prospects of improvement. I feel it is a privilege to be able to help junior students further their adventure and research into tai chi."

"I love the struggles and the puzzles, and the brief quiet moments of celebration. I am ever conscious of trying to keep to the principles as I am terrified of ending up as a leaky bucket swinging precariously on a twig, on a branch, somewhere far from the tree trunk."

Branch affiliated through Chan Seng Chee

This branch is affiliated through Chan Seng Chee. For information provided by Chan Seng Chee specifically for the branches affiliated through him, please click here.


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