Palmerston North tai chi classThis page is for the beginner classes taught by Tom Robertson in Palmerston North (New Zealand).

People interested in joining, are invited to make an appointment to come along and watch or join in a class. You're welcome to call on (027)2490912 or (06) 358 9622 or use the email form below.

Sing Ong Tai Chi in Palmerston North

Theosophical Society Hall
304 Church Street, Palmerston North
10-11am Tuesday and Friday

Tom Robertson

Tom RobertsonTom started Sing Ong Tai Chi in 1993 and now teaches in Palmerston North with Lester Wong. He is a Senior Lecturer at Massey University.

Tom says, "Teaching is a great way to learn tai chi, and having a fellow teacher to work with is great."

"Tai chi is now a part of my life, and is practised at many little moments. I have enjoyed great health and few colds, that don't last as long as they did before I started tai chi."

"I realised recently that my tai chi training is also for my future self as I glide gracefully into my Golden Years. I look forward to enjoying a high level of fitness, flexibility and enjoyment of life."

Send Email to Tom Robertson

E-Mail Form: click here

Branch affiliated through Lester Wong

This branch is affiliated through Lester Wong: Palmerston North Central.


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