This page is for the beginner classes taught by Tim Fitzpatrick in Mt Eden (Auckland, New Zealand).
People interested in joining, are invited to make an appointment to come along and watch or join in a class. You're welcome to call Tim on (021) 1536568 or fabianlow@gmail.com or use the email form below.
Sing Ong Tai Chi in Mt Eden
St Albans Church, 443 Dominion Road,
Mt Eden
Beginners Sunday 10-11am
Advanced Sunday 11-12pm
No experience required.
All fitness levels. All ages.
First class complimentary, Membership plan available.
Enquires: Fabian (021 1536568 or fabianlow@gmail.com)

I began learning Sing Ong Tai Chi in 1999 and soon became overwhelmed by the impeccable linage of the school, the integrity of the teaching and the sheer depth and beauty within this art.
In 2003 I began assisting Michael Yek in teaching classes and continue this today. I have also begun teaching my own classes and every week attend 3 hours of instructor training.
I feel that my teachers have always challenged me in this art, and then provided every thing they could to help me meet that challenge. My hope is to do the same. My fascination with the depth of this art, my regard for the immense skill that Professor Yek has attained from his dedication to the purity of this art, and the fun and excitement of this art still beats strong everyday. My goal in teaching Sing Ong Tai Chi is to honour this impeccable linage to the best of my ability, to share and hopefully instill my passion and respect for Tai Chi, and to continue to savour the joy experienced as my students bit by bit start to "get it.
Anyone interested in joining a beginners class is invited to contact me via email or call me to discuss. Viewing of classes can be arranged by appointment.