This page is for the beginner classes taught by Nick Bowskill in Cambridge (New Zealand).

People interested in joining, are invited to make an appointment to come along and watch or join in a class. You're welcome to call Nick on (0274)211 548 or use the email form below.

Sing Ong Tai Chi in Cambridge

Tuesdays 7.45pm - 9pm
Fencourt Hall, Fencourt Road (Next to Goodwood School)

Nick Bowskill

Nick says, "I have been practicing Taijiquan in Professor Yek Sing Ong's school for the last 19 years. I have helped teach a number of classes over those years and now have a regular once weekly class in Te Miro near Cambridge. Tai chi has kept me in good health, confidence, good fitness, with my mind relaxed and focused, and my body supple, flexible and balanced."

"Sing Ong Tai Chi provides a holistic approach to learning Taijiquan: focus is given to nourishing and strengthening the whole body including bones, tendons and internal organs, as well as providing a traditional syllabus of Yang style martial art forms, qigong exercises and pushing hands."

Send Email to Nick Bowskill

E-Mail Form: click here

Branch affiliated through Mike Puklowski

This branch is affiliated through Mike Puklowski: Hamilton.


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