This page is for the beginner classes taught by Waihoe Chan in Lincoln (New Zealand).
People interested in joining, are invited to make an appointment to come along and watch or join in a class. You're welcome to call Waihoe on (03) 366 0791 or use the email form below.
Sing Ong Tai Chi in Lincoln
Lincoln Primary School Hall, 9 Boundary Road, Lincoln, Christchurch
Mondays 6pm - 7pm
Wednesdays 6.30pm - 8pm
WaiHoe Laoshi has been training for most of his life and has been teaching Tai Chi classes for over 15 years.
He has recently graduated as an advanced level 2 instructor with Sing Ong Tai Chi.
WaiHoe Laoshi is a full time Martial Arts instructor and loves to enable and help his students enjoy the many benefits of Tai Chi Chuan.
"I love to help the students see the finer details within Tai Chi and love it when I see the realisation in their eyes when they can feel the benefits of improving each day."
This branch is affiliated through Chan Seng Chee. For information provided by Chan Seng Chee specifically for the branches affiliated through him, please click