Mairangi Bay tai chi classThis page is for the beginner classes taught by Mike Kinney in Mairangi Bay (Auckland, New Zealand).

People interested in joining, are invited to make an appointment to come along and watch or join in a class. You're welcome to call Mike on (021) 967 437 or use the email form below.

Sing Ong Tai Chi in Mairangi Bay

St John's School Hall, 87A Penzance Road, Mairangi Bay
Wednesdays 7.45 pm and Saturdays 11.45am

Mike Kinney

Mike KinneyMike Kinney has been learning martial arts for over 30 years. Mike has had local and overseas experience in full contact martial arts tournaments. He started training with Sing Ong Tai Chi in 1995. Apart from martial arts, he enjoys time with his family.

Mike says, "Because of my external martial arts background, I initially viewed Sing Ong Tai Chi from the perspective of how it could help me improve my external martial arts. It was not long before it became clear to me that tai chi is a martial art in its own right. Not just the passive art that many understand tai chi to be, but in fact a very potent art. With Sing Ong Tai Chi, the focus is clearly shifted to skill."

"There are many other benefits to be derived from Sing Ong Tai Chi, including improved health, increased co-ordination, higher levels of flexibility, more concentration, stress reduction, identification and correction of muscle imbalance and injury recuperation."

"I believe that I can not learn without students to provide me with challenges to test my own understandings. One of the very valued aspects of training with students is the many personal and rewarding relationships forged along the way. I have a great class of loyal students and hope that they continue to push me on to greater understandings."

Send Email to Mike Kinney

E-Mail Form: click here

Branch affiliated through Chan Seng Chee

This branch is affiliated through Chan Seng Chee. For information provided by Chan Seng Chee specifically for the branches affiliated through him, please click here.


Mike Kinney

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