Parklands tai chi classThis page is for the beginner classes taught by Ann Brussovs in Parklands (New Zealand).

People interested in joining, are invited to make an appointment to come along and watch or join in a class. You're welcome to call Ann on (03) 960-5165 or 022 0319 799 or use the email form below.

Sing Ong Tai Chi in Parklands

Evening Classes
Chisnallwood Intermediate School
76 Breezes Road, Wainoni
Monday & Wednesday 7.45-9pm

Day Classes
Parkview Community Lounge
75 Queenspark Drive, Parklands.

Thursday 12 noon - 1pm

Ann Brussovs

Ann Brussovs"I began training Sing Ong Tai Chi in 2003 to better my health. It provides a disciplined and holistic approach to mind and body."

"The benefits I have gained through learning Sing Ong Tai Chi are many, but the most noticeable is that my overall health has greatly improved. I have better balance, circulation, co-ordination, stamina and relaxation. My muscles, tendons, bones and joints are a lot stronger."

"Sing Ong Tai Chi can create combinations in which energy can flow, and in time, can heal the body."

"I enjoy teaching Sing Ong Tai Chi because it keeps my focus on improving. It also gives me enormous pleasure to see the students tai chi and health slowly improve."

"The slower you learn Tai Chi the more likely you will be able to achieve it."

Send Email to Ann Brussovs

E-Mail Form: click here

Branch affiliated through Chan Seng Chee

This branch is affiliated through Chan Seng Chee. For information provided by Chan Seng Chee specifically for the branches affiliated through him, please click here.


Ann Brussovs

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